Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ferrari Propose F1 Talent Cap

After selfishly having blocked plans for a budget cap last season, which prevented F1 from having a full 26 car grid in 2010, Ferrari now proposes the introduction of a talent cap.

Ferrari's team principle Stefano Domenicali explains the reasons for this move "...designers like Adrian Newey and Ross Brawn are too talented, this gives other teams an unfair advantage, and it is bringing the sport into disrepute".

Since Ross Brawn left Fiorano in 2006, the once dominant Ferrari team is facing increased rivalry from the likes of McLaren, Mercedes (Brawn GP) and Red Bull putting Ferrari under increased pressure. Although the team did win the 2007 title with Kimi Raikkonen, it was a close affair and a far cry from the dominance of Schumacher.

Ross Brawn won the title with his own team last year, with the Red Bulls not far behind. This season McLaren return to the fray thanks to the talents of Tim Goss.

Jean Todt, who is Ferrari Employee first, FIA president second, recently allowed Ferrari to make changes to their unreliable engine. Unsurprisingly Todt backs the suggestion "These designers and engineers are preventing Ferrari from winning, which is why I think it is a good idea".

Ferrari plan to put the talent cap proposals forward to FOTA and the FIA at Silverstone. They hope it will be in force early next season.

1 comment:

  1. The heading and first two paragraphs are brilliant! The next two and the last one are not funny at all, and break the charm.

    Try to make at least one full joke every three sentences and one funny phrase ("Jean Todt, who is Ferrari Employee first, FIA president second") every two sentences. And always end the article with something funny, even better if the punchline comes with the last word.
