But it was non other than Bernie Ecclestone who was the most shocked in the F1 paddock "I won't, and can't believe that a Grand Prix has been financially viable". Last year, there was no Canadian Grand Prix because they refused to pay Ecclestone's extortionate fees. Recently, Ecclestone doubled Turkey's fee for the Grand Prix, and rumour has it, he is attempting to triple Canada's because of this year's success.
All of this begs the question is there an end to Bernie Ecclestone's greed? One rather detached journalist believes that Ecclestone conned satan into giving him immortality in exchange for an old BETAmax player.
In an interview earlier this year, Ecclestone revealed the logic of pricing tracks like Montreal and Spa out of F1. "Well the fans and drivers seem to enjoy them, so I thought I might as well try and get rid of them". Ecclestone hopes for a record low number of spectators at the European Grand Prix in Valencia.